Youth at JCUMC
The youth ministry at JCUMC aims to provide youth with a safe space to tell their story, be their authentic selves, and discover how they play a vital role in God's world. From fun outings, small groups, retreats, missional opportunities, and more, we want youth to know they belong here, being a part of something bigger than themselves.
The JCUMC Youth program ministers to middle and high school students with outreach continuing through their college years. They meet on the third floor of the education building, also known as the “Youth Floor.” Designed to be a welcoming place for teens, youth gather regularly to share in worship, study, and have fun. Students are encouraged to participate in a wide variety of experiences that build faith and strengthen their relationships with God, family, community, and each other.
Catalyst is our Sunday Evening Gathering. Students start out together in worship and then enjoy a meal together before hearing a message and breaking into small groups for discussion. At the end of the evening we play games as a group and close out in prayer. Catalyst is held on Sunday evenings from 5:15-7:15 pm on the third floor.
Youth Missions
The Youth Group at JCUMC is committed to serving alongside the congregation of Johns Creek United Methodist Church in their mission efforts. Each month, our youth group has a mission night as a part of our programming that focuses on the churchwide mission of the month. We also take domestic trips with our middle schoolers and high schoolers.
Weekly Youth Schedule:
Sunday Morning Sunday School- 9:45am Room 300
Catalyst- Sunday Night Gathering: 5:15-7:15 Room 300
Middle School Hangout for grades 6-8- Wednesday Nights 6-7:15 Room 300