We provide a warm, loving, Christian environment where children can play, share, and interact as they use their natural curiosity and desire to learn. Our Kindergarten program utilizes Common Core with Saxon Math, Heggerty Phonemic Awareness, and 95% Phonics Core curriculum. We include skills from the Georgia Performance Standards in Kindergarten for science and social studies as well. Our students attend Chapel weekly where they learn Bible Stories and sing praise and worship songs. They also participate in Music and PE Specials once per week along with outdoor playground daily and indoor playground weekly. With our smaller class size, we are able to provide an intellectually challenging environment where learning is fun and where each child feels successful, important and LOVED!
We strive to ensure that learning is a personal and enriching experience for students and their families!
Contact Jackie Grube, Preschool and Kindergarten Director, at 678-542-1204 or email for additional information.
JCUMC Preschool is proud to be certified by the North Georgia United Methodist Preschool Association as a “Preschool of Excellence for Young Children”.