Children at JCUMC

Children’s Church

Children's Church takes place every Sunday during the 11:00 AM service. Children ages 3 years to 3rd grade meet in the sanctuary with their families and after the Children’s Moment will then be escorted to the Children's Chapel. Children attending Children's Church must be toilet-trained.

Children’s Sunday School

Sunday School is every Sunday at 9:45 AM. After checking in at the kiosks, children should be dropped off in the appropriate classroom:

  • Preschool: Room 123

  • K-1st grade: Room 122

  • 2nd-3rd grade: Room 120

  • 4th-5th grade: Room 119

The Nursery is available for children age 6 weeks to age 3 from 8:40 am to 12:00 noon Sunday mornings. Children who have turned 3 and are potty-trained are welcome to join Sunday School (9:45-10:45) and Children’s Church (11:00-12:00). Nursery classrooms are located on the 1st floor of the Education Building in Rooms 158 and 161.


    JCUMC is a Safe Sanctuary church.  Teachers and workers attend training and have passed a background check.  Children are signed in and checked out by parents or other authorized adults.


    Children begin in the sanctuary. After the “Time for Young Disciples,” children will travel to the Children's Chapel for the remainder of worship time. Parents pick up their children in the Children's Chapel after the worship service is over.


    Our Wednesday Night Program during the school year, the J-Walkers, is for any K-5th grader. It runs from 5:15-7:15 pm with dinner at 5:30 pm (families are welcome to come and eat together), then children rotate through Children’s Choir rehearsals and fellowship activities (games or crafts) with a devotional. Everyone is WELCOME!

The Children’s Ministry at JCUMC is centered around love, faith, kindness, and inclusion—we seek to create a welcoming environment where every child who enters our doors knows they are beloved children of an amazing God who sees them, hears them, loves them and welcomes them exactly as they are.  

We strive to demonstrate to all children that no matter how small, they can still be the hands and feet of Christ through sharing what they have, loving one another, and caring for the people and the world around them. 

We foster positive relationships, encourage helping others, and emphasize the importance of treating everyone with kindness and dignity, regardless of our differences. We aspire to create a supportive community of faith where children learn to love and care for one another in a safe and inclusive space.  

We do this through Bible stories, crafts, games, fellowship, group discussions, singing, a lot of laughter, and finding joy and enthusiasm in God’s word and Christ’s message to the world: love one another as God loves us.