JCUMC Summer Camp 

Monday – Thursday  9:30 am – 1:30 pm


Registration is OPEN!

  • Registration is not complete until the online enrollment form has been submitted and registration/fee has been paid.

  • The 2-year-old classes are only open to families enrolled in JCUMC Preschool. *Community children are welcomed in the 3-year-old classes and up.

  • Your child will be placed in the same age level class that they attended during this current school year (based upon their attained age as of September 1, 2024 – for example, if they were in a 3-year-old class for the 2024-2025 school year, they will be placed in a 3-year-old class for summer camp).

  • You will be notified with a confirmation email regarding the weeks that your child will be attending summer camp. Please be patient with the confirmation letter as it can take 1-2 days.

  • You must have an updated Immunization Form 3231

  • Registration Fee $50 (one time only per child)

  • Price per week $180

  • All students in the three-year-old classes and up MUST be potty trained – no exceptions!

For questions or more information regarding summer camp. Please contact our summer camp director Karen Ogbogu at kogbogu@johnscreekumc.org  or call the office at 678-542-1216