Adult Sunday School

Everyone is welcome to be involved in a Sunday School class at JCUMC. Sunday School is for everyone and there is a place for you at JCUMC. Sunday School is offered at 9:45 am and at 11:00 am.

Becoming part of a Sunday School class will give you:

  1. A caring home base within the congregation;

  2. Opportunities to learn more about the Bible, faith, and the church;

  3. A place to nurture growth in the relationships you care about: with God, with your family, with friends, and within the world.

Come make yourself at home in a Sunday School class at Johns Creek UMC!


  • Meeting Time:  Sunday mornings at 9:45 in Room 201

    Contact:  Jill Morris - or Linda Clover –

    Description:  We welcome all women 18 and older, married, divorced, widowed, single.  Join us as we learn more about God, each other, and the world.

  • Meeting Time:  Sunday mornings at 9:45 in Room 216

    Contact:  Dave Brewer –

    Description: Interpreters is committed to studying the Bible directly. In each unit, we select a book of the Bible and study it closely. We are currently working through the Gospel of Luke.  Our goal is to interpret scripture in such a way that we may grow in our understanding of God and in our sanctifying grace with Christ.  We do not shy away from difficult or challenging questions. In fact, we welcome them as a way to deepen and strengthen our Christian faith.

  • Meeting Time:  Sunday mornings at 11:00 in Room 204

    Contact:  Beth Goodwin - or Abby Ryan -

    Description:  We are an inclusive group with diverse backgrounds and are at different stages of life. All are welcome to join us for fellowship, sharing joys, concerns, and prayer requests.  The class focus is to “Reflect” on the morning sermon message utilizing clergy-provided discussion questions related to the morning’s sermon. This is a fabulous opportunity to go in depth and gain a better understanding of the message and how it relates to each of us personally.

  • Meeting Time:  Sunday mornings at 9:45 in Room 207

    Contact:  Brian Flaherty –

    Description:  Stages Sunday School embraces singles and couples walking through various “stages” of life from post-college to early parenthood and beyond.  The class delves deeper into the Bible through weekly studies guided by books based upon the Bible, or a theme, to foster group discussion. The lessons are led by a rotation of class members.  Outside of Sunday mornings, this group is committed to fellowship through regular gatherings, strengthening bonds established in Christ.

  • Meeting Time:  Sunday mornings at 9:45 in Room 202

    Contact:  Brian Durham - or Miranda McLaren -

    Description: Bridges is an adult Sunday School class, meeting in Room 202. Many of the members are married and have children who are middle-school and high-school aged.  We dive into a wide variety of studies and lessons that focus on life application based on Scripture. We enjoy lively conversation centered around our lessons.  We enjoy regular social events and participate in different church and community events.  In Bridges, you’ll find an open, informal environment where all are welcome.

  • Meeting Time:  Sunday mornings at 9:45 in Room 218

    Contact:  Kathy Oldham - or Bill Oldham -

    Description:  If there were just one word to describe Cross Walk, it would be “caring.” Although we have varied backgrounds and are at different stages in life - part of the workforce, semi-retired, retired - we feel a strong bond through our faith, our prayers for each other’s needs, and our openness to all. On an average Sunday, we may have 12 or more people in our class.  Cross Walk is facilitated by fellow members who volunteer to lead discussions of our chosen books. We enjoy and encourage each other to contribute to our conversations and to share experiences.

  • Meeting Time:  Sunday mornings at 9:45 in Room 221

    Contact:  David Cox –

    Description: Our group is primarily parents and married couples with grown children that range from college-aged to “on their own.” Our ages range from 50’s to 60’s and beyond, and we average 12-20 attendees each week.  We try to participate in as many church-led missions as possible.  We normally like to study books with a video/DVD series that do not require a lot of prep, so that we can engage in discussions and learn from each other, from our faith journeys, from the Bible, and from our life experiences.

  • Meeting Time:  Sunday mornings at 9:30 in Room 220

    Contact:  Ginny Allen –

    Description:  We are a lively, loving fellowship of age 50+ singles / couples, and empty nesters seeking a deeper relationship with God and His will in our lives. We begin class early (9:30) to spend a little time socializing, sharing prayer concerns and praises, before beginning our lesson.  We study modern texts often accompanied by videos, with lessons led by our wonderful Ken Cook.  Seekers enjoy spirited discussions about the lessons, sharing diverse opinions and experiences, leading us to a deeper understanding of God’s love and our calling to share that love with all others.

  • Meeting Time:  Sunday mornings at 9:45 in Room 209

    Contact:  Linda Haislip - or Linda Reeder -

    Description: We are happy to welcome visitors and new members!  We are a class that enjoys studying, discussing and applying God’s word to our everyday life. Come join our lively discussions about the curriculum, as well as current events, and life at JCUMC.  Most of us are empty nesters who are involved in the life and ministries of the church and community. We would be glad to share the areas that we enjoy - such as volunteering as Ushers, Choir members and Children’s Sunday School teachers, Women’s Ministries, and serving on church committees. 

  • Meeting Time:  Sunday mornings at 9:45 in Room 200

    Contact:  Jim Williams –

    Description: Lively Seniors Welcome! Young-at-heart couples, singles, widows and widowers. Average attendance is between 30 to 40 people each week. This active group loves God and loves studying His Word and its practical applications in our lives, how to become better neighbors, and how to enhance our service as the hands and feet of Christ.