Stephen Ministry

Stephen ministers are members of our congregation who are trained to provide one-to-one Christian care to people experiencing life’s struggles, such as:

  • Separation or Divorce

  • Terminal Illness

  • Grief

  • Job Loss

  • Loneliness

  • Hospitalization

  • Family Crisis

Stephen Ministers are trained to listen, encourage, provide spiritual and emotional support and care.

To learn how you can receive a Stephen Minster’s confidential care at no cost, contact a Stephen Leader at:


The name Stephen comes from Saint Stephen, who was the first lay person commissioned by the apostles to provide caring ministry to those in need (as recorded in Acts 6).


Becoming a Stephen Minister at JCUMC is a life-transforming experience – an opportunity to serve God, help others and grow in faith.  Stephen Ministers are people like you – caring Christians who want to make a difference in the lives of those going through difficult times.

If you would like more information on training classes or have further questions, please contact Pastor Pam McCurdy or Stephen Leader, Cindy Curtin at


The mission of Johns Creek United Methodist Church is to make disciples.  In support of that mission, the mission of JCUMC Stephen Ministry is to provide the highest quality, one-on-one, and distinctively Christian care to members of our congregation and to the community who are experiencing a crisis in their life.  JCUMC Stephen Ministry will work with the clergy, the church staff and the church’s other ministries to provide care for God’s people.


More than a million people have been cared for by a Stephen Minister since 1975. Stephen Ministry began in 1975.

The Stephen Series is now in more than 9,000 congregations from more than 100 Christian denominations, in all 50 states, nine Canadian provinces, and 21 other countries. More than 50,000 pastors, church staff, and laypersons have been trained as Stephen Leaders (those who oversee and direct Stephen Ministry in the congregation) at a Stephen Series Leader's Training Course.

More than 450,000 people have trained as Stephen Ministers in their congregations.

More than a million people have received care from a Stephen Minister in a formal one-to-one Stephen Ministry caring relationship, and millions of others have received care from Stephen Ministers in informal ways.