Job Seekers and Career Changers receive help from JCUMC Career Network
There Are No Meetings During July And August
Have you recently been laid off from your job?
Are you looking for another job because of anticipated layoffs in your organization?
Are you unhappy in your work and thinking about exploring a new career?
Do you have openings in your business for qualified individuals?
Have you experienced a layoff before and want to help job seekers network to find new opportunities?
Have you been thinking of returning to work after a number of years as a stay-at-home mom or dad?
Loss of a job is considered by many to be among the most stressful events in life. One recent study found that job loss has a more lasting effect on an individual’s state of happiness and well-being than any other life event, aside from the death of a spouse. All aspects of life are impacted by job loss. At the same time, this transition creates a profound opportunity to find or renew faith in God. It is for these reasons that the Career Network Ministry was restarted 5 years ago for JCUMC members as well as for those in the community seeking career transition assistance.
The JCUMC Career Ministry meets via Zoom meeting, the 2nd Wednesday of each month starting at 7:00 PM. Note: The Career Network does not meet during the months of July and August. If interested, please send an email to and the evening before the meeting you will be notified with details for joining the Zoom meeting.
For questions, please contact Craig Flugel at 770-905-4155.