Bible Studies
Adult Christian education is an important part of discipleship. At Johns Creek UMC we encourage everyone to participate in at least one hour of Christian education. This could be Sunday school, a small group, or a bible study during the week. These classes are facilitated by clergy or trained lay person, and are offered on a rotating basis. To make study suggestions, please e-mail Pam McCurdy:
Wednesday Nights from 6-7 pm (Zoom option available)
Thursday Mornings from 10-11 am (Zoom option available)
Current Study
Reformation Study
What was the Protestant Reformation? How does it impact the church today? Who were the leaders in the Reformation?
Pastor Max will lead a three week study of the history of the Reformation, beginning February 12 and 13. Classes will be Wednesdays at 6 pm and Thursdays at 10 am in Room 200.
Upcoming Study
The Upside-Down Kingdom: the Parables of Jesus
Join Pastor Jennifer for a Lenten study on the parables of Jesus and what they can teach us about the Kingdom of God. Join us either Wednesday Nights at 6:00 pm or Thursday mornings at 10:00. Classes begin March 12 and 13th. Zoom is available for either session.